Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Superfriendsonian: Najuib

Name: Najuib
Tool: Vocal, Percussion, Drums
Also: Paints using water colours
Status: Founding member


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro.. Bila rambut tu nak tumbuh? hehehehe...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wey bro! Bila nak layan "Rempit" ni? Bukan dgn motor tapi dgn basikal. Org Kajang panggil bro ni, "Najib Basikal" hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Aku ada suggestion...tu pun kalau nak pakai la...You know guys that in Tagalog, botak tu dipanggil "Calbow". So, since the frontman Najuib, botak and the band backbone, drummer Sham pun botak. Aku nak gelorkan korang the "Super-Calbow" ataupun the "Calbow-Connection". ahhhaakkkss....Nasib baik si Apiz, Siti dan Nadzir tak botak, kalau tak memang sesuai.....Jangan marahh aaa, teman gurau je yoep!!!

siti rosman said...

Hang Calbow pun Calbow laa.. Janji datang tengok Superfriends perform bawak skali geng rame2 have fun!

Unknown said...

selamat hari lahir PAPA Najuib

siti rosman said...

Huiyo mana Chek FRH tau ni...

Anonymous said...

hie mohd najuib..how r u? its been long time didnt see u..hmm..last jumpa kat Langkawi kan.dulu pernah sama2 pergi library Kajang kan..remember?its me..from bangi.Wish you all the best..hope can see yr performance!!

Anonymous said...

hi awk..ingt sy lg x.. erm..

Anonymous said...

hi superfriends' creators..just wonder..do they reply to these comments sumtimes? yelah if jauh susah nk jmpe diorg but at least if diorg sendiri can make a comment themselves wud be so nice already.. or is there any other option? thx :)

siti rosman said...

hi owyne, thanks for droppin by! sf bandmembers ni kadang2 they can get online easily and they do reply some of the comments themselves. korgian (aka siti the keyboardist) apiz (the guy on vox hehehe) and rizdan (aka nadzir the bassist) rajin gak check in

other times the guys tell me what to post back and i'll do it for them. i do get to login everyday tapi weekend tu a bit liat coz connection is vvvvvvvvslooooowww blame maxissss!

other times diorang outstation like rite now melaka, a bit tough to get online as the CCs can be packed etc, and me meself oso outstation & all so memang takde online presence at all... but i'll get back to you and the rest asap punya..

so do come back hiya whenever ya... but u're right, dapat lepak dgn diorg ni sendiri lagi beshhhhh sebab diorg ni tau port makan besh n diorg nih gila2...

take care catch you next time SF is in KL!

faz_starz said...

Yo dude! I'm Faza, the guy from Brunei who took pictures with you and Siti at the parking ticket booth. Hope you still remember. Anyways, Here to tell you that i'm really impressed with the band's energy in every performance. heheh. hope to see you guys perform sometime soon!

JeffBreed said...

Hey Dude,

You Rock with a million $$$$ voice.

Superfriends is by far the best live club band I've ever heard. That's coming from a guy who has travelled all of this marble we call "Earth".

Jeff from the U.S.

You make my Thursdays worth while.

NorJaNNaH said...

hai najiub u nie kan botak2 pun cute
laa tomey la u nie.... mesti u nyayi best giler kan........hihihihihi...rasa mcm nak kenal laaaaaa...... eeiiiii